Hello, I'm

Fernando Mendoza

I'm a

About Me

Fernando MendozaSoftware Engineer
Hi! I'm Fernando Mendoza, but you can call me Junior. I'm a student and developer based in California. While I'm usually neck-deep in code, my curiosity often leads me to explore new things while sipping on my favorite caffeine beverage 😅. I am also a mechanical keyboard enthusiast and sometimes engage in debates with my rubber ducks. While we may not always agree, these little quackers have a supernatural ability to help me debug my code.

As a soon-to-be graduate, I'm thrilled to start the next chapter of my career with Hewlett Packard Enterprises, where I'll be working as a Software Engineer.

When I'm not studying or coding, you might find me spending quality time with my beloved Labrador Retriever, Zeus, who is the best dog in the world (no bias, I promise).

Whether you're looking for a collaborator on your next project or just want to talk tech (or dogs!!), feel free to reach out. Let's create something amazing together.


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